Friday, September 18, 2009

Purslane (スベリヒュウ)

Life is getting busy and I haven't updated my blog for a while.
How has our little garden we started last month been?


Do you know the weed named "Purslane"?
It is a very common weed in the garden.
We have everywhere in Japan, too.
This weed has amazing propagation.
Our garden looks like "Did someone plant Purslane here!?"
In fact, purslane is the richest source of Omega3.
We can throw some into the salad.
It is not fabulous taste but isn't bad.
Some healthfoods store actually have it to sell.

スベリヒュウって雑草知ってますか?畑にはつきものの雑草なんですが、これがすごい繁殖力。誰か種をまいたんですか?って尋ねたくなってしまいます。(笑)でも実はこのスベリヒュウ、栄養価が高くOmega3 が豊富に含まれているんですって。葉をつまんで食べてみたのですが、ふ〜む。。。特においしいものでもなく苦くもまずくもない。これがそんなに優れたグリーンだとはね。

Here is the view of the tiny garden.
You can see it became VERY green.
Everytime I see the green, I feel LIFE.
Green is the color of life!
The post in the middle of the garden is the soap bar. 
Deer doesn't like the smell of Irish Spring Soap.
It helps prevent them from coming and eating the greens.
