It has been 4 years since I arrived here, in Ojai, and I am now starting my 5th year.
During these past years, we didn't do anything special for New Year's Eve. We stayed home and had some quiet and relaxing time.
But this year, Millennium suggested that maybe we would go out for live music and dancing to celebrate my graduation from the private lesson program at Ventura College.
mmm... live music, not too bad.. but dancing... I don't dance and I'm not yet used to socializing.
Anyway, he took me into town last night.
We went to a Contra Dance Party with live music at the Art Center in the town.
When we got there, the party had already started and everyone was dancing to the Caller.
The live music was kind of Irish Folk with flute, fiddle, keyboard, percussion and bass guitar.
It was very cheerful and up-tempo.
We were just observing them and sitting on the bench. But the Caller (she is the dance instructor) immediately saw us and said,
"Hey, come into the circle! It is more fun."
So we joined the large group and started dancing.
It was surprisingly FUN! Lot's of Fun!
It didn't matter that I was not good at dancing.
The instructor told us each step, how we walk or move or twirl. Also many expert dancers helped us.
We kept dancing until a little past midnight.
When it became the New Year, at midnight, we sung a song together in three concentric circles to celebrate 2010.
It was a fantastic night!
By the time we got home, all my muscles were stiff but I was feeling VERY great.

そして夜の8時から出かけた場所は、オハイのアートセンターで行われていたContra Dance(グループダンス。ラインダンスのようなもの)の年越しパーティー。
踊りだしてみるとこれがとても楽しい。そういえば日本でも夏祭りの盆踊りなんかは観ているより踊ってる方が数段楽しいものね。生演奏はアイルランド系のテンポの速い音楽でステップを踏んだりくるくる回ったりでとても忙しい。これは体力がいるわよ〜☆ ダンスはとても上手な人もいればそうでない人もいる。パートナーがどんどん変わっていくので上手な人たちは初心者に踊りながら教えてくれる。
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