On Saturday, April 17th, we went to another concert. It was the Ventura College Symphony and Choir concert at Oxnard Performing Arts Center.
They performed three pieces. Brahms "Concerto for VIolin and Violonecello, Op. 102", Brahms "A German Requiem", Op.45, and my music professor Robert Lawson's piece "Tumaini" ( the title is Swahili meaning "Hope").
We discussed the pieces in the class earlier, so it helped me to understand them.
It was fun to see all my teachers and friends from the class.
There were lots of people at the concert and the big hall was almost full!!
And the performance was wonderful.
On Tuesday when I saw professor Burns in the class, I told him that we enjoyed the concert very much.
Then he told me that he had a terrible time, because he had bloody nose in the middle of conducting the Concerto performance! He had no idea what to do.
Oh, my.... well, well....
演奏曲はブラームスのバイオリンとチェロのコンチェルト、同じくブラームスのレクイエム、そして私たちの音楽科の学長、ローソン氏作曲の”希望” の3曲。
”いや~、あれは大変だった。指揮の途中で、いきなり鼻血がでてきちゃってね。全然とまらないしどうしようかと思ったよ。あんなことは初めてだ☆” と。
The left page from the top, Liz (voice teacher), Mr. Lawson (the chairman in music department at Ventura College) and Dr. Burns (theory and counterpoint teacher).