It was a rich music weekend.
My friend Yukiko and I went to the Lang Lang concert in Santa Barbara.
Lang Lang is one of the most famous pianists in U.S, China and Europe.
We got the tickets two month ago online.
Then we had to wait very patiently for the exciting concert.
The Granada theater was gorgeous.
Millennium was with me but he didn't have a ticket, so we talked about where we would meet after the concert. Then something magic happened! A lady came up to us and asked if we had tickets. She said she had some extra tickets for today's concert and gave one to Millennium.
It was a VERY good seat. He got to sit only 4 rows away from Lang Lang in front of the stage!
The concert was fantastic.
Lang Lang played Mozart Piano Concerto No. 17 with orchestra, and then he played Liszt's Notturno. No.3 for an encore.
The way he expresses himself is extraordinary, and how he creates subtle sensitive sounds on the piano is just amazing.
We had a very special evening!
ミレニアムはチケットを持っていなかったので、劇場の前でコンサートの後どこで合流しようかと話していると、一人の婦人が近づいてきて ”コンサートのチケットが余分にあるので、もしよろしかったらお使いください。” とミレニアムにくれたのです!
ランランはモーツァルト、ピアノコンチェルト No.17 と、アンコールでリストの愛の夢 No.3 を演奏しました。彼の体全体を使って感情を表現する演奏はすばらしく、また彼の創りだす繊細な音は観客を魅了しました。
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