Monday, October 26, 2009

私流フィットネス、朝歩き (This is my fitness. Morning walk)

I'm taking a Health and Wellness class this semester at Ventura College. It includes physical, mental, and spiritual health, and Nutrition, also Fitness. I'm learning lots of things from this class. I look at my everyday life and realize I hardly ever do any special exercise in my daily life.

Exercise doesn't have to be vigorous. Moderate activities like walking are great aerobic exercise. Plus some stretching and balance brings flexibility. The class teaches us to add at least 2 1/2 hours of moderate fitness activities a week, in addition to all the normal physical work activities we do each week. It means about 20-30 minutes extra moderate exercise/day, plus a similar amount of the stretching/balancing practices.
To keep healthy life, I'm going to add these everyday.
Not too bad!

I decided to start walking to the top of the hill and back every morning.
When I walked this morning I was so refreshed, and feel great now.
I'll see how I change myself in a few months.


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