Sunday, August 23, 2009

Autumn Garden 秋のガーデン

I'm going to report more about our autumn garden.
The Basil we planted last week got strong sunshine the next day and half of them died.
We were sorry, but we still have more than 10 basil plants.
So we'll be OK.
Millennium collected some brush and stuck it beside the basil plants to make shade.
It is a good idea!
They look much happier.
Then we seeded leaf lettuce, cilantro, beets, kale and chard.
I can't wait to see them to sprout!

先日植えたバジルの苗は翌日の強力な日差しに負けて半分のみ生き残りました。それでも十本ちかくあるから私たち二人には十分でしょう。ミレニアムが雑草を採ってきてバジルの横に差し日陰を作ってくれました。good idea だね☆

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